Saturday, 6 July 2013

Run Positive

"Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's a great balancing Act"
- Dr Seuss

The Gold Coast Marathon is just about here.
I am feeling pretty good about it and really looking forward to the challenge.
I entered a Suncorp comp, associated with the run, to when $10k.
Part of the deal for entering was they gave me a running singlet which I will be wearing for the run.

RunPositive Singlet

All I had to do as entry was tell them why I run positive.
This really got me thinking again why I started to get out and exercise on a regular basis.
It is also got me thinking about why I started this blog.
The answer to both of those questions is Mental Health.
So that is what I based my entry on.

When I received my singlet and read my entry emblazoned on the front, my first reaction was "I can't wear this in public".
But you know what, I can and I will.
It is a shame that I reacted in this manner as mental health is something that should be discussed openly and honestly. There should be no stigma attached to mental health and people should not be afraid or ashamed to seek help from the many and varied sources of help that are out there.

The Black Dog  Institute
I great provider of resources or suffer from  Mental Illness

So it is a renewed sense of knowing my "why" that I take into the marathon on the weekend.
Hopefully it will serve me well at the back end of the run when the mental battle is being waged.
If your on the Coast checking out the run keep an eye out for my yellow shorts.

All going well I will be crossing the line somewhere between 11 and 11:30.
Then hopefully I will be able to catch up with a few friends that are also running, as well as those that have come down to lend their support.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Push the Triangle

You make 'em, I amuse 'em.
Dr. Seuss
9 months have passed, so i guess it is like being reborn.

The thing is it is nothing like that at all.

What it is, I think, is a cycle. Before writing I was reading back over my previous posts and realised that most of what i have already written about and the questions that I have asked are still going through my head.
I still ponder the training v exercise argument, motivation is always an issue, I even went past a reticulated bike the other day and started wondering why.
I guess it should not be a surprise as the seasons change, and the focus and priorities shift.

So right now the focus is running. At the end of the Tri season I told myself I was not going to run in as many events this year. While this has held true, I am still attempting a marathon, so I am still running a lot.

The sunshine coast marathon and possible PB is the goal at the moment however this could change in the coming weeks.

Sunshine Coast Marathon

I ran the Noosa Half and missed my goal time by 58sec.
It was a really good enjoyable run. I think I know why I missed my goal which is a good thing. Among a couple of thoughts one is the time I lost when I slowed to let a lady get further ahead of me who’s breathing sounded like she was not going to finish. Her extremely loud and speratic panting really put me off and 18k in I really did not want to hear it.

Training has been going very well mainly due to motivation, I feel very motivated to run right now. Not just run, but exercise/train (not sure which I do) in general. I have even started to a bit more strength work. I am thinking that the extra little bit a variety is helping keep my motivation  levels high.

Running Motivation

Things have been going so well in fact I decided to run the gold coast marathon.
then bang, on cue, 1 week after entering, FLU.
See how cyclic things can be?

So I have had the flu for a week now, this time round I have done very very little while sick after trying to train through last year.
I am just about over it now and ready to go. I actually think it may have been a good rest as I had been doing a fair bit with the GC so close. I think I will have done enough work to go sub 4 at the GC which after last year will be a big improvement, in fact running the whole way will be a massive improvement on last year.

So the cycle continues, do some running - run marathon - try to get better at swimming and riding - do Triathlons.
If the cycle is consistent, I should be writing and posting a little bit more frequently as we get closer to the sunshine coast marathon and the Tri season.
But I guess we will have to wait and see................

Monday, 17 June 2013

Embrace the suck.

I have been struggling with a bit of itb pain lately, so i am looking to self-manage the issue. While it is more annoying than painful it needs to go.


If anyone out there has the solution please share it, if you want to tell me to harden up - i am happy to hear that as well.

IT Band - Pain - Running