First up this weekend it was the Mt Coot-tha challenge 85k including the climb to the top of mount Coot-tha. Note to self next time you enter a bike ride try to do at least one ride in the 4 weeks leading up to it. It was an early start up at 4 out the door at 4:30. The ride started great out to the gateway over the bridge along ICB and then a rest stop at the base of Mt Coot-tha. Now the first 35k leading up to the climb was very enjoyable the next 20k... not so much. I have never been up Mt Coot-tha and did not expect it to be as hard as it was. I had to stop and unclip once, which I disguised with a shirt change, and really struggled having to zig and zag alot. But none the less I made it. At this point I wondered why I was doing this and how much I could get for my bike on E-bay. The next few K's were hard but then I managed to pull myself together and enjoyed the rest of the ride. Big Hi-Light was the rest stop at 72k where HHH was waiting, I think they were more excited about the free ice-poles than seeing their dad, but it gave me a great lift. So I finished did not set the world on fire but feel that I accomplished something, but next time no unclipping on the climb. I felt pretty good afterwards and considered running a couple of K's but thought better of it with the Half Marathon in the arvo. I was not to sure what to expect from myself in the run, but the way I felt I was thinking 1:30 something but was willing to be realistic about what I may or may not have left in my legs.
Check out my ride at HERE
Well 21km done. 1hour 44min not to bad. It started not as planned as I got stuck in amongst runners going a bit slower than what I would have like but once the clear space came I felt pretty good. Getting along at what felt like a fairly comfortable pace I was surprised to see that I was on track to run a 1:30. Through the 10k mark and I was still holding my pace and feeling really good. Thoughts of negative splitting the back end were swirling around in my head and a little kick did not nothing to curb my enthusiasm as I was feeling really good. I should have known better. About 15k in things went pear shaped in a pretty big way. Thoughts turned from PB to maybe I won't finish. The good thing was I was prepared for this. I was quite prepared to walk for a bit then run for a bit for as long as it took to get my body back into some sort of grove to finish of the race. It took about 3k's but it worked and while I did not fly home I felt that I ran strongly to the finish. While being disappointed that I walked and having people run pass me at the back end of race, something that does not normally happen to me, the overall result was good. The break between the 2 events was a difficult one, not knowing what to do or eat was hard and made me realise I need to learn more about nutrition. pre, during and post event.
Check out my run at HERE
The day was a very enjoyable one covering 105k's in 5 and half hours.
The highlight was definitely seeing HHH on the ride and the excitement of the boys as they came running up to me. With the limited preparation I did it has given me great confidence to step up to a Half Ironman Triathlon at some stage in the future, just need to get out there and do the training.
You are an excellent Dad and role model for your boys. We were all extremely excited to see you at the rest stop. I too have learnt a few things.. one is to remember my phone when planning to meet you at a rest stop, so that we don't get there an hour before you do.