People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily. - Zig Zigler
I often find myself thinking of motivation and inspiration. The first post of this blog was some days ago, has my motivation for it diminished, is it gone? I don't think so. The motivation to do it is there, the inspiration is there, the sitting down and getting it done... well it is a little slow arriving. Things in my world are changing fairly significantly at the moment, things are starting to find there time slots. I am feeling motivated to become a better me. A big thing for me is to train, and training requires motivation and inspiration. I have been watching a lot Ironman lately and if you are ever lacking motivation or looking for inspiration take a look at them. while the pros are amazing athletes, it is the weekend warriors and the special stories that i like the best. to think that people with no legs can finish within the cut off, there was one guy who had als and was dead within 18 months of completing his first Ironman. If these people can get so much out of there body mainly through the power of their mind surely i can, surely i can. The problem with watching Ironman is it makes me want to do one, one day. I know i am not up to it just yet and need to do a lot more training but one day, one day. For now it is Olympic distance and then a step up to the Half distance at some point in the next 12 months. I am motivated to do it, I want to do it, so all i need to do is sort out the sitting down and getting it done. If your ever wanting some motivation or inspiration this is the guy Dick Hoyt.
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