Friday, 29 June 2012

I really know how to taper

"Will You succeed yes indeed yes indeed I am 93 and three quarters guaranteed" - Dr Seuss

I seem to be starting a lot of these with "its been a while", so this time I will not.

Last time I wrote it was the eve of the Qld Half, this time it is the eve of the GC Marathon. These events are only 1 month apart.  
A bit has been going on with assignments and exams but they are done now and results will be in on the 4th of july. Also I have pretty much had the flu for this entire period as well, I did not get my flu shot this winter and now wish I had of.

I ended up running the Half in 1:36, I was pretty happy with this as I had the flu. The down side was I really struggled to shake the flu and leading into this weekend and the marathon I really have not prepared myself the way I was hoping. The good thing is I am now feeling healthy and rested. Below is my training log for June and as you will see it is not exactly what you would expect leading into a marathon.

 Training Log - June 2012

What this means is I have had to adjust my goals and expectations for the marathon. With the work I have done I feel that I can improve on last year, by how much I am not sure but 1sec will do me.

I am getting a bit excited about the run which is very different to nerves of last year. 42.2k is along way and support on the journey really gives you a big boost. I remember the feeling last year when I saw HHH on course and I think the energy they provided really made a difference. When I run I am always looking around for familiar faces, so if you happen to be on coast on Sunday come down for a look. I will be the one in the orange and green.

Orange and Green Running Kit

If you are not on the Coast and are interested in following my progress you can via my facebook page. If you are really keen you can send me a message via my Bib number to enter is M02490.

GC Marathon Bib 2012

All that is left for this blog entry is to state my goal for all to see. Finishing a Marathon is an achievement, but I already know I can do that. This year I want to run as close to 3:30 as I can without blowing out past the 4 hour mark. Going in slightly under prepared I feel that this goal is a challenging yet realistic one. I am 8kg heavier than I was last year when I did sub 4h but still feel that I am more than capable of achieving that again. If I had of done the preparation that I had planned to before becoming ill the goal would have been sub 3:30. So if I can finish somewhere between these two I will be very happy.

No matter what happens on Sunday I am sure it will be great day for run and hopefully provide an interesting story that does not start with "its been a while"