"There's no limit to how much you'll know,
depending how far beyond zebra you go" - Dr. Seuss
Where have I been? Running and writing.
Things really have been hectic and eventually something had to give. Well actually a few things had to give and blogging, unfortunately, was one of them.
Since we last meet a few things happened. The weekend after the GC Tri, I ran the inaugural GC Bulletin 10k run ant Robina. I had completely forgotten about this run till the Thursday before it was on. So on the back of a very non-active week and my two boys birthday party which consisted of eating nothing but sugar the day before the run, off to Robina for 10k I went. Surprisingly I ran 42:39.
Birthday Cake - Day of Sugar
GCB 10k finished inside Skilled Stadium |
Then it was assignment time.
I needed to get one done before the long weekend so that we could go camping. A couple of late nights, assignment done and off to Wivenhoe for the weekend we went.
At Wivenhoe we were camping with 3 other couples. Two of the guys there were preparing for IM Cairns, one was doing the half the other the full 226km. When I arrived at the campsite these two had just got back from a 100 odd k ride, "Wanna come for a 10k run?" they asked "Sure" I said, "what pace?" "4:30's - 5's" was the answer. No worries I thought they've got over 100k in the legs. 4:15's and some hills and around 7k in I was cooked, physically and mentally, every thing just seemed to catch up with me at once. It was real eye opener watching the guys train for the long distances. The discipline they showed was amazing.
Camp site at Wivenhoe |
The rest of the weekend was great, I snuck in a couple of runs on my own at my pace but really just relaxed and had a good time. Wivenhoe is a great spot and the family and I will definitely be heading back. (might try to sneak up there for an Olympic distance tri in sept)
Sunset at Wivenhoe |
So after that weekend it was back to the books with the last assignment for the semester due. I found it difficult to put my thoughts on paper for this one. I had it all in my head it just was not coming out right on paper. Thankfully the lecturer stretched the deadline out giving an extra weekend to work on it and eventually i turned in something that I am happy with. Oh and Owen if you followed the QR Code and are still reading do I get an extra mark for giving you a mention?
Now it is time to get ready for exams, and train for the GC Marathon, count down to your right, which means grinding out some long k's for the first weekend in July. I have also entered a half marathon in the first weekend of June to help in my preparation. I have done a couple of runs >20 k since Wivenhoe an am really enjoying my running at the moment.
Hopefully my new shoes will arrive this week because it is now all systems go. I am feeling rally good about the GC Marathon, really motivated to get out for some good long runs and hopefully perform come the time.